NEMT and Paratransit Software | ParaPlan Software by EnGraph

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ParaPlan Desktop update v4.1.621.11131



It is bug fix Friday here at EnGraph Software. We pushed out an update earlier in the week that had some blazing fast improvements to how Scheduling Canvas worked. There were a few oversights on our end and this release will help address those.

Building a new date would cause certain trips to become flagged for sending to MDTs. Drivers were getting wrong trips and too many trips. This has been resolved.

If somebody else cancelled or no-showed a trip, it was showing up in the Unscheduled bin on your computer instead of in the Cancellation bin. This is now going to the correct bin.

If you added a fill-in trip, not all the information that was just entered was being displayed in the Scheduling Canvas. The data was actually there and now it shows up as expected.

If you accidentally clicked "add fill-in", but closed it before making any changes, you'd expect that trip to go away as it had always done in the past. Well, it wasn't. It was hanging around and cluttering up your screen and making a few people thinking they had gone crazy. It will now go away and you can have your clean Scheduling Canvas and your sanity back.

As always, the update will install automatically.