NEMT and Paratransit Software | ParaPlan Software by EnGraph

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Use QueryBuilder to get a list of all places

With ParaPlan, getting data out of the system and into another format like PDF or Excel is easy. Here is a simple tutorial to get all the Places to Excel using our Query Builder.

  1. Click Reports > Query Builder.

  2. Click Load from text, a new window will appear.

  3. Copy the following text into the window, then close the window: Manager:PlaceManager

  4. Method:GetAll

  5. Shape:

  6. Where:

  7. Select:new (StopName, Address, Comment, ID)

  8. Click Execute.

  9. Click Export to Excel.

The list of all the places in the system are now displayed in Excel, where any number of formulas or manipulations could be performed.